Q. How Old Are You?
A. Well, I graced this world with my presence March 30th, 1990 (note: sarcasm is my weakness in that I use it far too often).
Q. Are you qualified to be a missionary?
A. Well, I guess that depends on what you consider "qualifies" someone for missions work. I believe that God has called me into this ministry and has been preparing me throughout my entire life for ministry in Ireland. I have a bachelor degree from Lancaster Bible College. I also went through a week of candidate orientation with Bible Centered Ministries International. The process involved there is quite in-depth (think 30 page application, Bible testing, personality testing, background checks, and even psychological assessments). So, yeah, I guess I'd say I'm qualified.
Q. What is your degree in?
A. I have a Bachelor of Science in Bible majoring in Intercultural Studies. What does that mean? Well, think A LOT of theology, bible, and core academic courses (maths, anatomy, psychology, etc.), as well as courses in linguistics, sociology, anthropology, leadership, missions, and every philosophy course offered at LBC.
Q. Why Ireland?
A. This question is best answered by reading the Why Ireland? post on Missionary Woes.
Q. Isn't Ireland already Christian?
A. About 82% of the population identifies themselves as Roman Catholic, although less than 20% attend mass on a regular basis. Ireland is becoming increasingly agnostic. A recent study has shown that about 1/3 of Irish under the age of 21 don't even know where Jesus was born.
Q. What will you be doing?
A. While in Ireland I will mostly be doing children's ministry in the form of Sunday School, camps, and Bible clubs. I will also be doing a lot of administration work (which is an area that BCM Ireland really needs to be filled right now).
Q. Why is Children's Ministry important?
A. BCM focuses on the 4-14 window. This window is defined as the window of opportunity between the ages of 4 and 14 when more than 85% of Christians make their decision to follow Christ. There are over 2 billion children in the world today, and that makes children's ministry extremely important. Children are important to Christ, shouldn't they also be important to us? "But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Luke 18:16 (KJV)
Q. Who is BCM & what do they do?
A. You can find out everything you've ever wanted know about BCM International by going to www.bcmintl.org. For specific information on BCM Ireland, you can visit http://www.bcmireland.ie.
Q. When are you leaving?
A. My goal is to be in Ireland doing ministry by the end of 2014.
Q. How long are you going to be in Ireland?
A. I'm raising support now for a two year term. My intent is to remain in the country for career missions in the future.
Q. How much do you need?
A. I need around $2,500 a month to live in Ireland. In addition to $2,500 coming in monthly, I'll need around $4,000 to cover the costs of training, visas, and plane tickets, etc. before I leave.
Q. Why so much?!?!
A. The $2,500 covers basic living expenses, ministry expenses, and service support. Basic living expenses are things such as housing, food, taxes, medical, and social security. Ministry expenses covers communication with my supporters, travel, teaching and office supplies. BCM assesses support income by 12% to help with mission administration costs, which is what service support refers to. Originally I needed $3,300 a month. This was dropped to $2,500 by making the decision to do away with a car loan. Chances are that I will need a vehicle for transportation while in Ireland. This may later become a separate Special Project account that supporters can give to. Doing this eliminates the need to pay for a car loan, taxes, and the cost of getting a driver's license until absolutely necessary.
Q. How can I help?
A. However the Lord leads. If you feel led to give financially, you can give online by clicking on the "Give Online" button at the right of the page (don't forget to include account # 1661). I'm also in need of prayer support. If you would like to become a prayer partner, contact me via the "Contact" tab on Little Missionary Woman. If you happen to have contacts in a church, and think you could help me set up a presentation, feel free to get in touch. If you don't, still feel free to get in touch. :)
Q. Why should I support you?
A. Um...because I'm awesome, of course. Well, there is also the Great Commission. God commands that we take His Word to all nations (Mark 16:15-18). We can fulfill the Great Commission in two ways: Going or Sending. If you can't "go", why not help "send"? Still haven't answered your question? Take a look at The Fundraising Post.
Q. What if you don't get enough financial support?
A. If I don't get enough support, I can't go to Ireland. The BCM ministry there is in desperate need of people to help serve. If I can't raise enough support to go, that is one less person that they can count on. If more people are not called into this ministry in my place, eventually the ministry in Ireland will come to an end.
Q. Will you come talk to my church or group?
A. I would be more than happy to talk to your church! You can contact me at fheuserbcm@gmail.com or through the contact form here. I'm more than willing to visit with you individually and discuss this ministry as well.
Q. How can I find out more?
A. Feel free to contact me in one of the ways found here. I generally respond to emails and phone messages within 24 hours. Ask me anything! I'm not easily offended or put off by questions, and I love sharing what God is doing in my life and in Ireland!
Didn't find your question here? Leave it in the comments below, and I'll do my best to get you an answer!
A. Well, I graced this world with my presence March 30th, 1990 (note: sarcasm is my weakness in that I use it far too often).
Q. Are you qualified to be a missionary?
A. Well, I guess that depends on what you consider "qualifies" someone for missions work. I believe that God has called me into this ministry and has been preparing me throughout my entire life for ministry in Ireland. I have a bachelor degree from Lancaster Bible College. I also went through a week of candidate orientation with Bible Centered Ministries International. The process involved there is quite in-depth (think 30 page application, Bible testing, personality testing, background checks, and even psychological assessments). So, yeah, I guess I'd say I'm qualified.
Q. What is your degree in?
A. I have a Bachelor of Science in Bible majoring in Intercultural Studies. What does that mean? Well, think A LOT of theology, bible, and core academic courses (maths, anatomy, psychology, etc.), as well as courses in linguistics, sociology, anthropology, leadership, missions, and every philosophy course offered at LBC.
Q. Why Ireland?
A. This question is best answered by reading the Why Ireland? post on Missionary Woes.
Q. Isn't Ireland already Christian?
A. About 82% of the population identifies themselves as Roman Catholic, although less than 20% attend mass on a regular basis. Ireland is becoming increasingly agnostic. A recent study has shown that about 1/3 of Irish under the age of 21 don't even know where Jesus was born.
Q. What will you be doing?
A. While in Ireland I will mostly be doing children's ministry in the form of Sunday School, camps, and Bible clubs. I will also be doing a lot of administration work (which is an area that BCM Ireland really needs to be filled right now).
Q. Why is Children's Ministry important?
A. BCM focuses on the 4-14 window. This window is defined as the window of opportunity between the ages of 4 and 14 when more than 85% of Christians make their decision to follow Christ. There are over 2 billion children in the world today, and that makes children's ministry extremely important. Children are important to Christ, shouldn't they also be important to us? "But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." Luke 18:16 (KJV)
Q. Who is BCM & what do they do?
A. You can find out everything you've ever wanted know about BCM International by going to www.bcmintl.org. For specific information on BCM Ireland, you can visit http://www.bcmireland.ie.
Q. When are you leaving?
A. My goal is to be in Ireland doing ministry by the end of 2014.
Q. How long are you going to be in Ireland?
A. I'm raising support now for a two year term. My intent is to remain in the country for career missions in the future.
Q. How much do you need?
A. I need around $2,500 a month to live in Ireland. In addition to $2,500 coming in monthly, I'll need around $4,000 to cover the costs of training, visas, and plane tickets, etc. before I leave.
Q. Why so much?!?!
A. The $2,500 covers basic living expenses, ministry expenses, and service support. Basic living expenses are things such as housing, food, taxes, medical, and social security. Ministry expenses covers communication with my supporters, travel, teaching and office supplies. BCM assesses support income by 12% to help with mission administration costs, which is what service support refers to. Originally I needed $3,300 a month. This was dropped to $2,500 by making the decision to do away with a car loan. Chances are that I will need a vehicle for transportation while in Ireland. This may later become a separate Special Project account that supporters can give to. Doing this eliminates the need to pay for a car loan, taxes, and the cost of getting a driver's license until absolutely necessary.
Q. How can I help?
A. However the Lord leads. If you feel led to give financially, you can give online by clicking on the "Give Online" button at the right of the page (don't forget to include account # 1661). I'm also in need of prayer support. If you would like to become a prayer partner, contact me via the "Contact" tab on Little Missionary Woman. If you happen to have contacts in a church, and think you could help me set up a presentation, feel free to get in touch. If you don't, still feel free to get in touch. :)
Q. Why should I support you?
A. Um...because I'm awesome, of course. Well, there is also the Great Commission. God commands that we take His Word to all nations (Mark 16:15-18). We can fulfill the Great Commission in two ways: Going or Sending. If you can't "go", why not help "send"? Still haven't answered your question? Take a look at The Fundraising Post.
Q. What if you don't get enough financial support?
A. If I don't get enough support, I can't go to Ireland. The BCM ministry there is in desperate need of people to help serve. If I can't raise enough support to go, that is one less person that they can count on. If more people are not called into this ministry in my place, eventually the ministry in Ireland will come to an end.
Q. Will you come talk to my church or group?
A. I would be more than happy to talk to your church! You can contact me at fheuserbcm@gmail.com or through the contact form here. I'm more than willing to visit with you individually and discuss this ministry as well.
Q. How can I find out more?
A. Feel free to contact me in one of the ways found here. I generally respond to emails and phone messages within 24 hours. Ask me anything! I'm not easily offended or put off by questions, and I love sharing what God is doing in my life and in Ireland!
Didn't find your question here? Leave it in the comments below, and I'll do my best to get you an answer!
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